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Cinelli Saetta ‘Radical’ Custom Build

Project Details

  • Value: £1,850
  • Category: Bespoke Builds, Men's Bikes

Cinelli Saetta ‘Radical’ Custom Build

Cinelli Saetta Radical `Custom Build`

Looking for the right Ironman bike

Andy Hood, visited our Open Day to explore the possibilities of a Custom Build in the attempt to make a saving on a few new bikes he had been looking at. Andy was competing in his first Iron Man Triathlon in July 2016 and was very keen to find a light and comfortable bike that he could do the race with.

Andy had a healthy budget of £1700 with a maximum of £200 extra if it warranted it. We took Andy’s sizes and looked at what bike he was currently riding with the remit of `comfort with speed`.

We looked into all types of brands and shortlisted them to a Scott and a Cinelli. (BG Bikes aren’t brand conscious at all; we will look into every type of option and find THE bike that is best for you and NOT the brand that is best for us).

Both bikes offered what Andy desired but after reading many reviews we felt that the Scott may be a bit `soft` and wouldn’t offer the whole package.

We contacted Andy with our info and set upon finding the correct frame.

Cinelli with all the right parts
We settled on condition (over age) and sourced a 2014 Cinelli. We wanted to spec it with very light components and managed to secure a deal on a SRAM Red groupset. Not only is it lighter than Shimano Dura Ace, but in terms of function may last longer? Andy had asked for a compact chainset but we convinced him that a race chainset with `flexible` gearing would be better as he could maintain a higher speed on the flat. The whole bike was finished off with great quality components and rolled on Mavic Ksyrium wheels; some of our personal favourites. We shared a few more e/mails and Andy increased his budget so secure better quality tyres, saddle and seatpost.

Andy completed the Iron Man in a very creditable 13:46 with no issues with his bike!

The Happy Customer
Later in the year Andy was so happy with his bike (and his achievements) that he joined on our stand at the NEC Bike Show. Andy lent us his bike for the whole show where it was showcased as an example of what type of bikes we can build. Thanks Andy!

RRP: Cinelli Saetta Radical `Pro Build` – £3,150

BG Bikes: Build Price – £1,850



Cinelli Saetta ‘Radical’ Custom Build

Gavin Vanner

BG Bikes